“Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.” – e.e cummings When my son was three, I asked him an unusual question. I didn’t expect a compelling answer. Not even close, I mean, he was three, drank from a sippy cup and all his shoes had velcro fasteners. But I’d been reading about […]
Five Fearless Networking Strategies For Introverts: Part Two
These are the most simple yet powerful strategies I’ve used that have worked for me to overcome my fear of networking. There are a ton of tips out there and believe me, I’ve tried them all. But these five strategies simply evolved naturally over time. Maybe some will work for you? Please let me know. […]
Fearless Networking For Introverts: Part One
I would prefer not to.” ― Herman Melville, Bartleby the Scrivener For most of my adult life, I equated attending a networking event to torture. With name tags. I’m an introvert with a history of social anxiety and decades of battling a stutter. For me, an ideal Saturday night always involves pajamas. Maybe tacos. I […]