How powerful would it be for you to receive an intensive, personalized, private class designed around your unique professional story goals? If the answer is “very,” it’s time to book a Private VIP Class.
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In your Private VIP Class you will:
- Receive 1:1 customized guidance towards your goals.
- Personalized topics may include:
- Mastering storytelling for an upcoming presentation or speech,
- Learning how to use storytelling for business growth,
- Rebranding,
- Creating compelling web content,
- Overcoming networking and/or public speaking fears.
Private VIP Classes are for you if:
- You desire to grow your business and/or to grow professionally.
- You experience nervousness and insecurity speaking professionally and struggle with selling, networking and marketing.
- You are passionate about your mission and the impact you make in this world.
- You are willing to be vulnerable enough to share and create your authentic stories.
Private VIP Classes are NOT for you if:
- You want to make more money, but are not passionate about your work.
- You are completely confident with public speaking, networking, selling and marketing.
- You are not interested in building professional relationships.
- You are not willing to be vulnerable.
Depending on your location and preference, VIP classes may be in person or through a live streaming service.
Have you heard enough?
Signup for your VIP class
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